Frequently Asked Questions

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General Questions

What for I can use urbaniqe?

Urbaniqe® is a revolutionary smartphone-based digital assistant that can help you reduce your fuel expenses, eliminate the stress coming from the administration and make your fleet greener.

What is a digital assistant?

Your digital assistant can offer you new functions and services and gives you information about driving and vehicle usage like speeding and alerts of expiring documents. With its help, you can create singular and scheduled reports those can be saved, downloaded, and forwarded via email.

Your digital assistant can also ease you up from your administrative duties and their adequacy, which saves you up from unnecessary paperwork. With the automated reports, you can reduce the time spent with the vehicle, fuel, and route administration by 30%.

How does urbaniqe knows when I’m driving?

If your GPS on your phone is on, urbaniqe® automatically recognizes you driving and starts the session so that you can replay, check or edit your routes later on.


What availability does urbaniqe assume?

We assume that our server park works according to our General Terms of Use, by being online 99% of the year. On the customer’s waypoint, we can not guarantee availability when it comes to smartphone data collection because in this case the device, network access, and settings are provided by the user’s end.

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Urbaniqe access modes

How can you download the urbaniqe application

You can download the application from Google PlayStore for Android devices and from Appstore for OS devices. However, by registering for the services you can get access to the web application here:

Which countries does the application work and which languages are available?

Currently, urbaniqe® is available only in Hungary, Poland, and Romania. The application can be used in English, Hungarian, Polish and.

What is the difference between the web end and the mobile application?

The web application was developed rather for the management of your company. Here you can manage your subscriptions and you can get access to more detailed report management functions.

Does the app work abroad?

After downloading urbaniqe® it will work in any country however it may need roaming to run.

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Preconditions of using urbaniqe

What kind of device I need to use urbaniqe?

You’ll need a device running at least iOS 14 or Android 6.0 with an active GPS and 3G mobile data or equal Wi-Fi connection.

What settings are needed and how often you should check them?

We recommend that before you hit the road check whether the application is running by clicking on the application itself.

It’s not needed to run the application on the front to make mobile tracking work, the app starts immediately when it detects a speed considered driving. When you stop, it will stop the data collecting as well.

If the application runs on Android, check whether the battery saving mode is off. The reason behind this is when it’s on the application may not collect data.

To make the app work properly, at the registration you’ll have to allow the following settings: access to media and files, location data, and fitness data, and turn battery-saving off on Android devices.

On iOS devices, you have to allow the settings above except turning battery saving mode off.

We recommend checking those settings every day to make the application work properly.


What should I do if my phone is appropriate but the app still wouldn’t work properly?

Please be sure that you have given all the access and check if the mobile data and GPS connection are right.

We recommend using a charger while driving because when the battery percentage hits below 20% the urbaniqe®’s background running could be compromised. However, if running the application is needed in case of low battery as well, we recommend running urbaniqe® in front. With that, the app will collect data until the battery dies.

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Registration journey

What’s required for the registration?

You’ll only need to give your name, email address, and password for the trial version of the application. After the trial period, you’ll be asked to subscribe to the service which requires a debit card. Please check the given e-mail address because we will send you the activation email there.

Why email confirmation is required?

With confirmation, you confirm that you have registered.

What to do if I haven’t received the activation e-mail?

If you can’t find it in your inbox please check your spam folder as well.

What to do if I have received an invitation?

By clicking on the link provided in the application you can start registering. For the registration, you’ll need an email address, password, name, and providing the type of user.

As a Manager type of user, you can invite multiple persons to try out urbaniqe®. After the trial period, you send out as many invitations as you have subscribed for.


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Data management and information security

What should I do if my phone is stolen or I lost it?

The application stores the data not on your phone so if you change your device, or lost it, the data will be stored in our cloud-based system.

In case you are changing your device, download the application once again and log in with your previous credentials. After logging in the previously collected data will be available.

How can ask for deleting my data?

In case you’d like to delete your data from our database permanently, please let us know by writing to the following email address:

For how long my data will be stored if my subscription is expired or deleted?

Your data will be stored for 365 days after your subscription(s) are expired or deleted, after that, they will be automatically deleted.

Where can I find the Data Management and Terms of Use?

The Data Management and Terms of Use can be found on our website. Accepting those when registering is mandatory.

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Every day usage


Our digital assistant will always let you know if there is an update available to download.

Does the app work in offline mode?

The app is designed to be online, therefore you’ll be able to use it through an internet connection. In case there is no bandwidth, or there is an issue occurring with the server communication, the app will show you an error screen which can be resolved by checking the connection and refreshing the application.

The data collection however could work without a live connection by using GPS, and it’ll upload the collected data later to the server. In this case you can merge those routes manually.

The app drains the battery, why is that?

Running the app properly requires continuous location tracking and mobile data, which causes higher usage of your battery.

How can I stop data collecting?

If you wouldn’t like to let the app collect location data, you just need to sign out.

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Our services

Working on the control panel

How can I use the actual vehicle?

On the web app’s control panel you can set which vehicle you’d like to use. On the smartphone app you can choose it in the profile menu.

How can I set the vehicle’s usage mode?

Depending on the ownership of the vehicle you can set different usage modes. In the case of corporate cars, you can choose from private, commuting, and business usage modes. In the case of private vehicles, you can choose from private, commuting, and posting. You can edit the usage of the trips later on using trip editing.

How can I add my odometer standing?

By adding the vehicle you’ll be asked to add the current odometer standing, the application will automatically count the driven distance.

In case the data is not correct, you can update the actual odometer standing manually.

Messages, Message types, allotments

What message types do urbaniqe® have and how can I turn them off?

Type of messages:

- Notifications: Messages for the optimum abdominal rate of machinery in your fleet (eg location, recording, documentation expiry date).

- Alerts: messages for behaviors or critical events other than rules, or norms (eg, the document expires, time.)

- Suggestions: Our Digital Assistant will provide you with useful tips and tricks around the application.

On a smartphone, by clicking on the icon you can see the messages. By clicking on the settings, you can allow or disable the push notifications by type.

On the web, this function is available on the control panel.

How do I know if the data collecting started or stopped?

In the case of smartphone data collection, the application will notify with a push message every start and stop. If the smartphone senses that the vehicle does not move for 5 minutes, the measurement of the given section will be closed.

In the case of data collection with the onboard device, the vehicle does not move for 3 minutes and the measurement of the given section is closed.


On the way menu functions

Working on Real-Time View

On the web application, you can see your vehicles’ movement in real-time on the map or list view. In the mobile application, you can see only one selected vehicle.

Historical View

By using the Historical view you can see information about your fleet’s past activity.

In this view you can choose from a list or map view, the driven routes will be visible separately with different colors.

How are road sections created and how do I edit them later?

The routes and sections are based on the collected data. Every route has a departure and an arrival, which can be considered stops. In case you spend more than 5 mins on one-stop, the section will automatically end.

Both the mobile and web application is capable of editing routes. In mobile application: to merge routes, select the tiles to be merged and press the up arrow in the upper right corner of the screen to merge the sections. If you’d like to separate sections, you can do it by swiping the tiles to the right. Breaking the section you can do that by swiping the tile to the right. Also, you are capable of changing the usage modes of the previous routes by clicking on the icon of the user mode.

What is replay? What data I can replay?

By using Replay you can see the speed, consumption, RPM, and route length. The function is only available on the web application.

POI functions

What is POI, and what is stop?

POI is used to indicate places useful for you and your fleet. A section is created based on the data collected. Each section has a starter and an endpoint that denotes the stops that you can record as POI.

How can I create, modify and delete POIs?

You can create a new POI on your smartphone in the Places menu or by clicking 'Add'. You can edit or delete the POI by swiping it to the left or right.

On the web application, in the On the Way menu, you can add, edit or delete POIs by choosing POI handling/Own places

Reports, scheduled reports

Report types

Driver reports:

With the reports you can see:

  • Driving: How much do you drive during the given period.
  • Posting: How much you drove by posting during the selected period.
  • Commuting: Between your place of residence and your workplace, it shows commuting time and all the ways you take.
  • Visit: How many times have you visited the saved places (POI) during the selected period.
  • Speeding: How many times and to what extent did you drive at higher than allowable speed during the selected period.

Vehicle reports

With the reports you can see:

  • Running performance: How much distance the vehicle has traveled over a given period.
  • Business use: How much the vehicle was used for business purposes during the selected period.
  • Private use: how much the vehicle ran in private use during the period.

Fuel reports

With the reports you can see:

  • Consumption: what were your average consumption, tanked quantity, and the quantity of the path you have traveled during the selected period.
  • Fuel costs: How much you have refueled for a total of the amount.

Create and schedule reports

In the web app, you can set it up in the Reports/Report editor which reports are available from the available reports, for which time, and which Vehicle/User you want to retrieve. You can save, download and forward the finished reports as a semicolon (CSV) file. In the Saved Reports menu, you can set the schedule of reports. (daily, weekly, monthly).

In the smartphone application, the reports are created for a preset, fixed time interval, where you can set the vehicle, the user, and the last day of the reporting period.

Filtering drivers, vehicles, and fuel categories, you can see all the reports that belong to it in one place.

You can mark the reports that are important to you as a "favorite" report. Your "favorite" reports will now be available on the control panel.

Report bundles

Standard scheduled reports compiled by the service provider are available on both web and smartphone interfaces.

Filter for drivers, vehicles, and fuel categories, and you can see all the relevant report packages in one place.

If you click on the scheduled report name, you can see the frequency of sending reports.

You can turn off or delete the schedule of your saved reports on the Schedule icon.



Fuel management

Where can I upload my fuel slips?

By pressing the „+” button you will see various functions, including „add new refuel event”. There you can upload your recent refuel in various currencies (HUF, EUR, PLN, RON).

On the web application, you can do this with the „+” button too, but you can attach a picture of the receipt as well.

How can I see, modify or delete the slips?

On a smartphone, the refueling list views and map views will appear in the refueling menu. You can edit or delete the selected document by pulling the tile right – to left.

The above views are also available on a web interface. Here, you can make a change or deletion by clicking on a given refueling document.

How can I see the slips and their details on the map?

By clicking on the map icon in the lower-left corner of the smartphone display, you can also see your refueling in a map view.

In the web interface, you can see the map and list views both at the same time in the Fuel menu.







Vehicle management

How can I add or modify vehicles?

On the smartphone, you can add the new vehicle to the Vehicle Menu by providing the following information: license plate, manufacturer, model, vintage, version, ownership, category, environmental classification, registration number, and expiration.

You can edit the vehicle's data to the right and delete it by swiping it to the left.

On the app, you can add a vehicle by clicking on the 'Add' button in the Vehicles menu. You can change or delete it by clicking on fixed vehicles.

How can I choose a vehicle in the app?

On a smartphone, you can choose which car you want to use in the Profile menu. From the vehicles available to you, you can draw the vehicle to the right. You must always take a vehicle before you want to record the road section you want to record, as it is not possible to submit a recording of the vehicle and the user.

On the web app, you can take vehicles from the list of previously captured and accessible vehicles on the control panel.

How can I handle my fleet?

You can manage your vehicle fleet and related administrative activities in the Vehicle Menu. The vehicles are identified based on their license plate, so a specific license plate can only be included in the database.

You can only manage the management of your full fleet on the web interface (you can see the exact position and routes of your drivers and vehicles).

Should I pay the subscription after the vehicles?

No, you can create an unlimited number of vehicles without paying extra fees. Urbaniqe®’s pricing is based on the number of users.


User management

What is the difference between the Manager and the Driver type of user? What permissions do they have?

Users can be created with two types of permissions, which can be modified later - Manager and Driver.

The first registering user is automatically created with the Manager’s permission.

As a Manager type of user:

You can see the data of all users of the subscriber, make reports and request notifications about them,

  • You can turn to customer service,
  • In the Subscription module you can change the number, type of subscriptions, the subscription cycle or the way to renew the subscription, or eliminate the subscription,
  • In the user’s module you can create or delete new users, change users' status and permissions,
  • You can create, modify, delete, and switch vehicles to the optionally purchased onboard device.

As a driver type of user:

  • You can see only your own data, reports, and messages in the system (you have no insight into the other users),
  • You can create and modify vehicles in the Vehicle module,
  • On the web interface, you do not access the subscriptions and users module or the vehicle menu item.

What status a user can have?

  • Active: A user with access to the service at the moment.
  • Inactive: A user created in the service but without access at the moment (previous data collected in the system is retrospectively available in the system)
  • Deleted: A user deleted from the service with its historical data
  • Waiting for confirmation: For him, the invitation was sent out of the system, but has not yet made registered.

How can I create a user?

You can create a new user with Manager permission by sending an invitation to the user's e-mail address, who can register in the system. The new user is created during the registration process based on the link sent by email.

In the Urbaniqe application, the combined number of active and confirmation users shall not exceed the current number of subscriptions. If you reach the number of subscriptions, you must first expand your subscription to create a new user.

How can I inactivate or reactivate inactivated user, or delete a user?

The user module is only available for users with Manager permissions available on the web. As a Manager, you can change the status of users, inactivate, reactivate, or delete users.

The data of the deleted users will be stored for 365 days after the deletion, within this period you can request a reset of the deleted user data from the customer service, and the final deletion of all user data is only available through our customer service.

It is not possible to "switch" a permanently deleted user, and in the event of a final deletion, all users and all collected data will be permanently deleted from the database.

Can I be part of multiple fleets in urbaniqe®?

Yes, if you pay the subscription fee for all fleet memberships.

Can I have more users than my number of subscriptions?

You can only have as many active and registered users as you have subscriptions. You need to place or delete users exceeding the number of subscriptions.





Profile functions

You can modify the information provided during the registration (email address, name, phone number, driver's license number, and expiry date), and you can upload a photo of yourself and change your password here.

In the smartphone application, you can also create new vehicles in the Profile menu item, which you can later order by pulling the tile of that vehicle to the right.

You can also deactivate the user account in the Profile menu.


Rules of urbaniqe® subscriptions

You can choose from a variety of subscriptions that are based on each other, ie the expanded subscription also includes the features of a lower subscription.

What service plans does urbaniqe® have?

You can use the subscription by paying the fee for the charge if you are not entitled to promotional prices included in the Pricing Table.

  1. Smartphone-based (Mobility Assistant Free Trial) Service Package

You can use it for free, where you can register with an unlimited number of users. You only need to enter the number of subscriptions during registration, that is, how many users you want to use the app during the free period.

The subscription can achieve the functions specified in the Terms of Use.

You can use the free service from the conclusion of the contract until the last day of the calendar month following the calendar month of the contract.

After expiration, you can access the service by switching to a subscription package. If you would like to quit the free period for a subscription, you can do it at any time during the free period.

  1. Smartphone-based (Mobility Assistant) Service Package

You can use the service for paying the normal fee, however, if there is a promotion you can subscribe to the service by paying a lowered price. Find out our promotional prices:

In the subscription, you can access the functions specified in the Terms of Use.

You need to assign a separate subscription to each user so that their user accounts remain active, ie to use the service.

  1. Smartphone-based premium subscription (Premium Assistant) Service Package

You can use the service for paying the normal fee, however, if there is a promotion you can subscribe to the service by paying a lowered price. Find out our promotional prices:

In the subscription, you can access the functions specified in the Terms of Use.

You need to assign a separate subscription to each user so that their user accounts remain active, ie to use the service.

What payment structure I can choose from?


  • In the case of a newly purchased subscription, the subscription cycle begins on the date of purchase and expires on the last day of the calendar month following the month of purchase.
  • In the case of a renewable subscription, the subscription cycle always begins on the first day of a particular calendar month and expires on the last day of the month.


  • In the case of a newly purchased subscription, the subscription cycle begins on the day of purchase and expires on the last day of the 12th month after the month of purchase.
  • In the case of a renewable subscription, the subscription cycle always begins on the first day of a particular calendar month and expires on the last day of the next 12 months.

The subscription cycle of your choice applies to each subscription in the same way, that is, each subscription turns on the same day, so there is always a load and billing at the same time. We do not charge a fee for the fraction months, and the subscription is always for the full calendar or months.

Does it have automatic renewal?

We will automatically offer our service packages as a renewable subscription to help avoid the service output.

With the automatically renewable subscription, we provide continuous access to the service, so you don't have to worry about expiration dates.

Does it have manual renewal?

You can set manual renewal in the web application subscriptions if you do not want to use automatic renewal.

You should know the following if you change the automatic renewal of your subscription to manual renewal:

  • Your subscription is available until the end of the subscription period already paid, and the subscription will not be renewed automatically at the end of the period.
  • After the subscription period has expired, there is no collection of data based on a smartphone or onboard device in the application, nor is the data previously collected.
  • Once the subscription period has expired, the application shall notify the "Expired Subscription" in the form of an error message after entry.
  • In the case of an expired subscription, only the Subscriptions and Users menus can be used with the Manager's permissions, where you can renew the subscription, reduce or increase your fleet or delete the subscription.

What informations do I need to give for the billing?

In the Subscriptions menu, you can modify the information required for billing and delivery.

Data amendment is not possible for past accounts, only for the accounts issued after the modification.

If your subscription expires, we will warn you when you enter the application and you can initiate the renewal of the subscription.

What VAT rate does the billing work with?

If you have a Community tax number and add it when entering the billing data, we will prepare the invoice based on the regulations on the communal tax-free sales. This requires the grant of the Community tax number during registration.

If you do not have a Community tax number, only the domestic tax number, the invoice will be prepared with the VAT key on your domestic tax number.

If you use the service as an individual, the invoice will be prepared with the VAT key according to your tax.

What can I modify in the subscriptions?

In the Subscriptions menu, you can modify the information required for billing and delivery.

Data amendment is not possible for past accounts, only for the accounts issued after the modification.

If your subscription expires, we will warn you when you enter the application and you can initiate the renewal of the subscription.

How can I change the number of subscriptions?

If you want more or fewer subscriptions, you can modify it in the Subscriptions menu of the Web interface as a Manager type of user.

What do I have to do if my subscription has expired but I’d like to use it further on?

If your subscription expires, we will warn you when you enter the application and you can initiate the renewal of the subscription.

How can I cancel my subscription and how much time do I have to do that?

You can delete your user account at any time and terminate the contract by deleting the app from all your devices and at the same time email you by email ( or your written notice of termination via the form in the application.

In the event of a cancellation of the subscription and termination of the contract, you will not be able to reclaim the subscription fees already paid either in part or in whole.










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Rules of the Free Trial period

How does the contract come about?

The service is created by accepting the Terms of use and the Data Management, or if the contract is subject to a fee service, the contract is also required to pay the subscription fee.

For how much longer can I use the Free Trial version?

The free service will be held from the conclusion of the contract until the last day of the calendar month following the calendar month of the contract.

How many users can use the Free Trial version?

You can use the service with an unlimited number of users during the free trial period, but when the period expires, you need to associate a separate subscription to each user so that their user accounts are active, ie they can use the application.

How can I change from a Free to a paid subscription?

If you would like to subscribe to the service within the free trial period, you do not have to wait for the free version, you can initiate it any time through your manager's user account with the existing subscription cycle. There is no automatic renewal after the free trial period, and you can access the service by switching to a subscription package. You can only use our free trial period once/registration.

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On-board device(OBD) option

What is included in the OBD Package?

You can optionally use the subscription to the onboard device by paying the one-time fee for the Premium Assistant. The purchase price also includes the SIM card and delivery fee, which is an inseparable part of the onboard device.

As a subscriber, you can buy up to ten onboard devices. If you need more devices, let us know on the form in the application or via email, and we will contact you within 72 hours.

We will ship the device to the address shown in the order within five working days of placing your order. If there is a lack of stock, we will send you a notification of the delivery deadline.

Our package partner is FedEx Express Hungary Kft.

Your package contains the number of devices recorded in the order. There is no separate thing to do with the SIM card as it is included in the device.


What can I do if my package is damaged or incomplete?

If you notice the injury when the package is received, please immediately report to the courier that the package is damaged and not taken over. If you notice the injury or deficiency after receiving it, please let us know through the form in the application.

How can I assign the devices to vehicles?

On the web interface, you can assign the devices to the vehicles in the Vehicle menu.

An onboard device can only be ordered with one vehicle. If you would like to use it with another vehicle, contact your Manager's account to change your clutter through the manager account.


Is there any guarantee for the OBDs? How much warranty does it have?

The onboard device is committed to the manufacturer's length warranty, 12 months.

How can I enforce my warranty rights?

During your warranty period, you can return the onboard device to our headquarters at your own expense if you find an error.

How does Urbaniqe decide if my warranty claim is right?

Within 30 days of arrival, the device will be examined with the involvement of the manufacturer. The manufacturer shall issue an evaluation record of the test, which is accepted by both parties as binding.

If according to the evaluation report, the onboard device is indeed defective, we will send another device free of charge.

If, according to the evaluation report, the onboard device is incorrect or has an error to which the manufacturer's warranty is not covered (eg by external influence), then return the onboard device, which will result in It containing test costs.

In the event of a defective device, you can also buy a new onboard device in parallel with the warranty. According to the evaluation report, if the previous onboard device is defective, the price of the new onboard device will be credited to you, but if the device is not defective, the purchase of the new onboard device will be final.

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Information on credit card payment

What payment options urbaniqe provide?

You can only make your subscription with an online credit card payment. Your credit card recorded during the registration will be automatically loaded at the beginning of each subscription period with the number of subscriptions you choose unless you choose the manual renewal. The subscription will live in case of automatic payment until your credit card expires.

Which debit cards are allowed?

You can make the payment with any VISA and MasterCard/Maestro card issued in the European Union, which is licensed by the card issuer bank for online payment, and with virtual credit cards/web cards specifically designed for internet use.

Which company is the payment provider of urbaniqe?

PayLike ( makes the credit card payment on the online interface it operates to ensure safe payment conditions.

In all cases, we will send you a notification of the payment transaction, where you can see the information related to the payment. In the event of a successful payment, we will issue an invoice (e-invoice) with a digital signature, which will be sent to your email address in the form of a download link.

In the case of an unsuccessful payment transaction, we will immediately inform the payment service provider why the payment was refused. If the error is overcome, you can restart the payment process in the Subscriptions menu.


How can I renew the service for a new credit card?

You can change your credit card at any time in the web interface subscriptions. If you do not do this and would like to pay with a new credit card, you will be notified after the expiry of the subscription period. Given that we do not store your card data, you can initiate a renewal of the subscription in the Subscriptions menu, where you can record your new credit card data.

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Information on billing

General billing information

Each subscriber is issued an e-invoice with a digital signature on the subscription and the purchase of the onboard device. The invoice will be issued automatically, you do not need to request the invoice separately.

We use an external partner ( for the invoice.

E-bill storeing and billing

After a successful credit card payment, we will make the invoice and send it to the email address registered in the application with a download link.

By clicking on the download link, you will arrive at the external service provider's customer account accounts, where you can view your current account and all your previous bills.


What should I do if I haven’t received a bill or the bill has an error in it?

If you have not received your account after payment or you think your account content is defective, you can indicate to us on the form on the web interface.

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Customer Service

How can I indicate if there is a problem?

Our customer service can help you in Hungarian and English if you send your question to or initiate contact in the Customer Service submenu in the Web interface.

We can answer the requests received within three business days.

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Recommendation of urbaniqe

In the smartphone app, you can recommend it by clicking the 'Add' button, which requires the name and e-mail address of the person you want to recommend.


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