We are starting 2024 with the release of the brand new version of urbaniqe. With two added features and a few fixed bugs the development of our beloved green fleet management app will take hold for a few months now.
What is new in urbaniqe 1.2.0?
Subscription fees being charged in EUR
You may have heard about it via our social media channels (if you haven't done yet, do follow us on Facebook and on LinkedIn), from the 1st of December we are charging our subscription fees in Euro, instead of local currencies.
We believe that this uniform currency will make all our lives easier by eliminating any confusion caused by fluctuating exchange rates, while at the same time ensuring transparency in billing.
Billing data to be added on mobile devices
Until now only desktop users were able to add or edit their billing information, in the new version this feature is available for those on the go too! (Well, not literally, we do encourage you to stop while filling in your data.)

As you can see from this image above, you can choose whether you would like to subscribe as a private person or a company, and you can add the relevant information accordingly.
What is next?
For the next few months there will be no new features released. Our developers will keep working behind the scenes to make urbaniqe a stable, reliable green fleet management app, that truly serves those willing to drive more planet-friendly.
And what does 2024 hold for urbaniqe?
Being loyal to our core mission, that is lowering the carbon emissions of car fleets, in the past few months we've been working on a new approach to conquer this issue.
These days the main course on our plate is an exciting green financing solution for car fleet owners.
Our special Early Bird offer is available until the 31st March, 2024, so if you know someone or you are yourself a car fleet owner who might be interested in generating and monetizing carbon credits with battery electric vehicles, click here to learn more:
Early Bird Offer | Green Financing for Fleet Owners
As always, you can download the latest version of urbaniqe, the green fleet management app, for Android and iOS too. We hope you'll love it as much as we do!